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Short Bio
François Schneider is an industrial ecologist and degrowth researcher. He worked on the development of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology at the INSA engineering school in Lyon and at the CML in Holland. He organized the first conference on allocation in LCA in Leiden, Holland. He finished his PhD on allocation problems in cascade systems in 1996. He worked on material flow of carbon or aggregated material at the Institute for Industrial Ecology in Austria. He contributed to SERI development in Vienna, working on rebound effect, transport issues, sustainable consumption and regional flows. He worked at the INETI in Lisbon, Portugal on product-service systems and material/water indicators in regions. Since 2001, he is active in the development of the degrowth concept and debate in France and Europe. Founding the research group Research and Degrowth in 2006, he initiated and organised the first scientific conference on degrowth for Sustainability and Equity in Paris in 2008.
Full CV of François Schneider can be downloaded here .
Research Interests: degrowth economics, rebound effect, material flows allocation, consensus process.
Selected Publications:
Flipo F & Schneider F (Eds), Proceedings of the First Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity. Paris 18-19 April 2008, Research & Degrowth, INT, 322p. – download pdf –
Schneider F, Joan Martinez-Alier, Giorgos Kallis, “Sustainable Degrowth”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, in press (2011)
Proceedings of the Second conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, University of Barcelona, 26-29 March 2010,
Kallis G, Schneider F, Martinez-Alier J (Eds). Growth, Recession or Degrowth for Sustainability and Equity? Special Issue J. of Cleaner Production. Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages 511-606 (April 2010)
Rodrigues J, Domingos T, Giljum S, Schneider F, Designing an indicator of environmental responsibility Ecological Economics – 2005- download pdf –
Schneider, F. Kallis, G., Martinez-Alier, J. 2010. Crisis or opportunity? Economic degrowth for social equity and ecological sustainability. Introduction to this special issue,. J. of Cleaner Production, 18(6), 511-518.- download pdf –