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Short Bio
Mariana Walter is a Phd candidate at ICTA, UAB. Her thesis addresses mining conflicts in Latin America. She is interested in social metabolism, expert-lay knowledge interplay, institutional changes at different scales and the role of decision-making mechanisms in environmental conflicts. She holds a Masters diploma in Environmental Studies (focusing on Ecological Economics) and has participated in research projects in Argentina (UNGS) and Europe (ALARM, CEECEC). Currently she works with Prof. Joan Martinez-Alier in the ENGOV Project, an European funded project that aims to develop a framework for sustainable and equitable natural resource use.
Research Interests: Mining conflicts, social metabolism, post-normal science, institutional change, languages of valuation, environmentalism of the poor
Selected publications:
> Walter, M. and Martinez Alier J. (2010). How to be heard when nobody wants to listen. Community action against mining in Argentina. Canadian journal of development studies, Vol 30 (1-2): 281-303.
> Walter, M. (2010). Proyectos mineros, nuevos derechos y respuestas ciudadanas en la Argentina, In: Ecología Política y minería en América Latina. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
> Martinez-Alier, J., Kallis, G., Veuthey, S., Walter, M., Temper, L., (2010). Social Metabolism, Ecological Distribution Conflicts, and Valuation Languages, Ecological Economics 70(2)153-158.
> Urkidi, L. and Walter, M., (2011). Environmental Justice dimensions in anti-gold mining movements in Latin-America. Geoforum 42, 683-695
> Martinez-Alier, J., Healy, H., Temper, L., Walter, M., Rodriguez-Labajos, B., Gerber, J.F., Conde, M., (2011). Between science and activism: Learning and teaching ecological economics with environmental justice organizations. Local Environment 16 (1), 17-36