Probably the only positive impact of the debt crisis in Greece is the emergence of the degrowth movement and the awakening of many bottom up initiatives, based on solidarity, non-market economy and the creation of another, inclusive, participatory, egalitarian and post-capitalist society.
It all started back in 2010 with the transfer of the Catalan experience, through the translation in Greek and the wide national dissemination of the inspirational documentary “Homage to Catalonia II”, followed by a visit of emeritus professor Serge Latouche in Athens.
In just six months dozens of affinity groups sprung like mushrooms, relating to local exchange trading systems, local currencies and time banks, seed banks and seed exchanges, eco gatherings and festivals, producer- consumer cooperatives, worker collectives, eco-communities, urban orchards and community supported permaculture, give-away and exchange bazaars, reclaimed public spaces etc. Following a picnic for degrowth in 2011, a first effort to network and empower these initiatives started through the creation of the networking platform “another world” that proved to be the seed for the realization of the 1st alternative festival for solidarity and cooperative economy (19-21 October 2012). During the festival we realized a public discussion on degrowth with the participation of research professor Giorgos Kallis that gathered the attendance of more than 300 people and many citizen groups.
The challenges ahead include the identification and utilization of the opportunities arising from the eco-socio-economic crisis in Greece, for the successful transition to a degrowth and natural resource economy that will allow sustainable prosperity for all. To provide sustainable solutions from the macroconomic to the “real” economy level, to regulate the banking system and the markets and inspire people to see clearly beyond the crisis and the imaginary institution of growth.
Contribution by Michalis Theodoropoulos, coastal/ environmental manager
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