This call aims to form a new team with some of you to relaunch DegrowthPedia!
DegrowthPedia (DP) is a collaborative network for information and education about degrowth. It was first launched in 2010 by Research & Degrowth, which keeps supporting this project in many ways. Two years passed and now DP needs a new team to review and refresh its development plan, to set and run new strategies in order to keep the articles quality and enhance collaborations, and finally, to step in a new phase, leaving the “beta” version behind! This is only going to be possible with your help!
If you feel confident about your English skills, you are used to the open source software MediaWiki or don’t fear learning a bit of it (if you are already comfortable with Wikipedia – that’s a start), and you have a little time per week to dedicate with responsibility to this project, please contact us before the end of this month, after reading this document carefully (download link) (1page). The document is the actual summary of the DP project and we are basically working over it, besides, of course, the weekly site management. We will need two contributors: one volunteer and an intern who will cover other activities for R&D (please contact R&D for this opportunity).
Write us on contact@degrowthpedia.org and ask all the questions you have and let us know how do you prefer to contribute!
Attention: this is not a call for writing articles. Anyone willing to write on Degrowthpedia are welcome – check how on: DegrowthPedia.
Thank you!!
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