The Italian Association for Degrowth and Research & Degrowth will be in Tunis for the next World Social Forum (26-30 March, http://www.fsm2013.org/en/). The Italian Association for Degrowth has organized an activity titled “Beyond Captialism. Degrowth, buen vivir and alternatives to development” that will take place on Friday 29 March in the second slot (13,00-15,30) in the Salle Lecture 5 (below you can find a short description). The activity has been conceived to be an opportunity for an horizontal and open dialogue, introduced by short interventions aimed at fostering discussions.
We would kindly ask you to disseminate this initiative and of course you are very welcome to participate, in case you will be in Tunis!
Description of the activity
In the last decades the critics to capitalism has transformed into a wider criticism to the ideology of growth and unlimited development. The obsession of growth has lead to social, economical, ecological and political unsustainability: from hyperconsumerism, to exploitation of ecosystems, from resources conflicts, to political corruption and climate change. Today new movements all over the world are using new languages and new perspectives: degrowth, buen vivir, commons and alternatives to development.
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