Growth, green growth or degrowth? New critical directions for India’s sustainability
Venue: Magnolia room, Habitat World, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. Sept 12&13th 2014
Organizers: Rajeswari S. Raina, CSIR-NISTADS, & Julien-François Gerber, TERI University
Sponsors: Ford Foundation, Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), and Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE)
This symposium intended to encourage fresh and critical insights into the paradoxes of “economic growth” in India. It focused on the pertinence of alternative conceptions of growth in the Indian context, whether they are envisioned as green growth, growth vs. development, steady-state economy, village economy, radical ecological democracy, prosperity without growth or degrowth. Questions like the following were addressed: Does the Indian GDP need to grow further? Is green growth an oxymoron? What are the alternatives to growth? What/who should grow and what/who should degrow in the Indian economy and in the world economy?
For any clarification/logistics, please contact: Julien-F. Gerber (jf.gerber@teriuniversity.ac.in), Rajeswari Raina (rajeswari_raina@yahoo.com) or Shailly Kedia (shailly.kedia@teri.res.in)
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