Regenerate future. Beyond growth, Beyond patriarchy
Conference on social movements for degrowth, ecology and feminism
Parma, Italy; 5-6 November 2015
Concept note
In the difficult years of the “economic and financial crisis” the mainstream thinking has continued relentlessly to invoke policies and recipes based on rigor and austerity to boost growth as the only way of salvation and the only hope for tomorrow. Yet for several decades studies and research have increasingly questioned the alleged connection between growth, happiness and quality of life. The doubts and criticisms deal with the negative impact in terms of environmental consequences, socio-economic inequalities, relations between genders and generations. Scholars of different disciplines have drawn attention or focus on different aspects: production / care, metabolism / sustainability, consumption / de-commodification, privatization / advertising, income / equity, flexibility / social security. In this conference experts and scholars coming from feminism, ecology and degrowth will discuss the possibility to rethink our models of well-being and to imagine a transition to a civilization that is sustainable and respectful of differences.
Main topics
- Revolutions in progress: languages and prospects for change in three social movements: feminism, ecology and degrowth [Plenaries];
- Degrowth, ecology and feminism: the state of research [Parallel sessions];
- Debt and Democracy [Public event];
- The environmental movement, feminism and degrowth: conflicts and convergences [Parallel Sessions]
- The feminist subversion of the economy [Plenary]
- Beyond growth, beyond patriarchy: Towards new forms of civilization [Round table]
Invited speakers include: Antonella Picchio (italian feminist economist), Joan Martinez-Alier and Serge Latouche.
Organizers: – Associazione per la decrescita: Italian Association for Degrowth, co-organizer Venice Conference;
– Research & Degrowth;
– University of Parma;
– CIRS (Centro Interdipartimentale di ricerca sociale);
– Corso di laurea magistrale in Giornalismo e cultura editoriale.
– Maschile Plurale: self-reflection group on masculinity (www.maschileplurale.it);
– Kuminda: NGO working on food right and food sovereignity (kuminda.org);
– Institut Français: Project on critical perspectives;
– Municipality of Parma: major Italian city with a progressive municipal council sensitive the the issue of degrowth.
Contact people:
Marco Deriu, coordinator (University of Parma, Associazione per la decrescita):marco.deriu@unipr.it
Federico Demaria (ICTA UAB, R&D): federicodemaria@hotmail.com
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