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Short Bio
In 2004 I graduated in Economics of International Trade and Market Value at “Parthenope” University of Naples (Italy); in 2006 I finalized a higher training scheme in Management of Sustainable development and a higher education course in History of Ethics and Politics Thoughts. In May 2010 I got the Ph.D. in Economics and Technologies for Sustainable Development at University di Foggia (Italy). For the last year and a half I have been a visiting researcher at the Institute of Science and Environmental Technology (ICTA) of Autonomous University Barcelona (UAB) in Spain. Nowadays, I am a research fellow in the same institution.
I am part of the CLICO (http://clico.org/) project coordinated by Professor Giorgos Kallis. I am studying one of the eleven case studies where droughts or floods pose threats to human security.
My research interests include Environmental Economics, Ecological economics, Sustainable Development, Public goods, Commons, Social Metabolism, Environmental conflicts.
My previous works are strictly related to my biography; I focused on water and waste resources after spending some years as an activist in Naples campaigning against the privatization of water and for a better management of waste in the Campania Region (Italy).
I am also part of a Barcelona group exploring the idea of de-growth, i.e. a smooth reduction of the hipertrophic modern individual.</p
Selected publications:
Degrowth futures and democracy. Co-editors Cattaneo C., Kallis G., Zografos C.; Futures 44 (6), pp. 515 – 523. doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2012.03.012. ISSN: 0016 – 3287. –
Household work and energy consumption: a degrowth perspective. Catalonia’s case study. Co-author Cattaneo C.; Journal of Cleaner Production 38, pp. 71-79. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.11.058. ISSN 0959 – 6526. –