Dear All,
The 5th International Degrowth Conference will take place in Budapest from 30 August to 3 September 2016. For the first time, in parallel to the conference, an open festival “Budapest Degrowth Week” will feature practical workshops, panel and participatory discussions, and also concerts, artistic performances and interactive tours throughout the city.
The registration to the conference is closed.
But you are still more than welcome to join the Budapest Degrowth Week where all the programmes are public and free. Please find the programmes of the Degrowth Week here and of the Conference here. You are also invited to relocalize the conference and follow all our streamed plenaries.
Degrowth has emerged over the last 10 years. This “bomb word” has been used to inspire in-depth debates on whether infinite growth in a finite world is desirable or even possible. The main goal of the Budapest Degrowth conference and week is on one hand to question the limits to growth in understanding the challenges faced by society and on the other hand to implement dialogue about solutions on different levels.
Please find more information on our Website and follow us here. If you have any questions, just contact us!
Your Budapest Degrowth conference team
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