LIVE STREAMING – Budapest Degrowth Conference and Week (30 August – 3 September)
Morning and evening plenaries of the 5th International Degrowth Conference, as well as some wonderful events of the Budapest Degrowth Week, will be live streamed and published for all!
Please find the list of streamed events here, and stay connected to access amazing plenaries!
The links for the live streaming of these events will be soon communicated on our website and our Facebook page! Videos will be published afterwards on our YouTube channel Nemnövekedés – Degrowth
Programme of the streamed panels and plenaries In Hungarian and in English | Only in English Date Time
Tuesday: 16h-18h Opening plenary: Connecting the dots of degrowth Federico Demaria, Filka Sekulova, Alexandra Köves, Vincent Liegey; 18h30-20h Opening panel of the conference: Degrowth in semi-periphery context Alexandra Köves, Zoltan Pogatsa, Danijela Dolenec, Giorgos Kallis
Wednesday 9h30-11h Science and uncommon thinking Clive Spash 16h30-18h30 Towards alliances of alternatives to development: Environmental justice, economic democracy, energy sovereignty, alternatives confluences, happiness, commons and Degrowth Research & Degrowth, EnvJustice and ACKnowl-EJ 19h-20h30 Evening plenary: Capitalism and (de)growth Amaia Pérez Orozco, Susan Paulson, Iván Gyulai
Thursday 9h30-11h From capitalist accumulation to a solidarity economy Barbara Muraca 16h30-18h30 WORK Out of the Box! WORK and SUSTAINABILTY: new concepts of WORK in the Overshoot Green European Foundation and Ökopolisz 19h-20h30 Alliances between Global North and Global South Beatríz Rodríguez Labajos, Miriam Lang, Ashish Kothari, Edgardo Lander, Ulrich Brandt
Friday 9h30-11h Radical Alternatives to Unsustainability and Inequality: A Global Perspective Ashish Khotari 16h30-18h30 Degrowth in the Parliaments: High profile European politicians discuss ‘Politics of Degrowth’ and ‘Degrowth in Politics’ Green European Foundation and Research & Degrowth 19h-20h30 Evening plenary: Is climate justice possible without degrowth? Claudia Salerno Caldera, Jagoda Munic, Matthias Schmelzer
Saturday 10h-12h30 Closing plenary: Polanyi, historical lessons, future challenges, semiperiphery Gareth Dale, Vincent Liegey, Mladen Domazet, Alexandra Köves
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